Asbestos Removal Liability

The Asbestos Removal Policy can be applied in respect to the following:

  • Stand-alone asbestos removal/abatement contracts
  • Annual covers for asbestos removal/abatement contractors
  • Stand-alone contracts or annual covers for contractors who, as part of their work, engage in asbestos removal/abatement. The policy would cover only the asbestos removal work however a separate policy shall be offered in respect to all other operations of the Insured.

Product Wording

Broadform liability wording with endorsements as agreed including occurrence based trigger.

Underwriting Security and Capacity

  • Certain Underwriter’s at Lloyd’s of London and Berkley Insurance Company t/as Berkley Re Australia (ABN 53126559706)
  • Minimum A+ Standards and Poor’s Rating
  • APRA Approved and Australian Licensed
  • $20,000,000 – Including defence costs (in the aggregate) Higher Limits can be considered by application

Claims Settlement

Local claims settling authority with Epsilon. All policies subject to Australian jurisdiction so in the event of a dispute the matter would be heard before an Australian court.

Contact Epsilon and speak with our experienced underwriters

How to make a claim

Get the Asbestos Removal & Demolition information sheet