Target Occupations:
- Abatement Contractors
- Site Remediation/Clean-up Contractors
- Maintenance Contractors
- Environmental Contractors
- Civil Contractors
- Drilling Contractors
- Pipeline/Tank Maintenance Contractors
- Garbage Contractors
- Waste Management/Collection/Disposal
Product Wording
Broadform liability wording with endorsements as agreed including claims occurring trigger
Underwriting Security and Capacity
- Certain Underwriter’s at Lloyd’s of London and Berkley Insurance Company t/as Berkley Re Australia (ABN 53126559706)
- Minimum A+ Standards and Poor’s Rating
- APRA Approved and Australian Licensed
- $20,000,000 - Including defence costs (in the aggregate) Higher Limits can be considered by application
Key Features
- Designed to cover the insured’s pollution exposures arising from the performance of covered operations
- Policy coverage in respect to third party bodily injury and property damage arising from pollution
- Vicarious liability for principals who sub-contract pollution work
- Includes legal defence costs
- Policy covers both sudden and gradual pollution
- Cover includes clean-up costs
- Transport Cover available by Endorsement
Claims Settlement
All policies subject to Australian jurisdiction so in the event of a dispute the matter would be heard before an Australian court.