Target Occupations:

  • Manufacturing
  • Storage
  • Waste Sites
  • Underground Tanks

Product Wording

Broadform first and third party wording with endorsements as agreed including claims occurring trigger (both Sections).

Underwriting Security and Capacity

  • Certain Underwriter’s at Lloyd’s of London and Berkley Insurance Company t/as Berkley Re Australia (ABN 53126559706)
  • Minimum A+ Standards and Poor’s Rating
  • APRA Approved and Australian Licensed
  • $20,000,000 – Including defence costs (in the aggregate) Higher Limits can be considered by application

Key Features

  • Designed to cover the Insured’s pollution exposures arising from specified sites
  • Includes legal defence costs
  • Policy covers both sudden and gradual pollution
  • First party cover in respect to clean up costs, loss mitigation exposure and business interruption
  • Third party cover in respect to Personal Injury, Property Damage, and Clean-up costs.

Claims Settlement

All policies subject to Australian jurisdiction so in the event of a dispute the matter would be heard before an Australian court.

Contact Epsilon and speak with our experienced underwriters

How to make a claim